Friday, January 21, 2011

The Hidden Agenda of Bonuses

That’s right. There is more to online casino bonuses than meets the eye. By hidden agenda, I mean that bonuses have wagering requirements. Some are so strict that the bonus isn’t even worth accepting. Yes, you can decline any bonus, and sometimes it makes sense to do so.

These wagering requirements usually require you to play through to a certain amount before you can withdraw the bonus. At first glance, it seems like a good thing because you have more wagering power. However, you won’t see the free bonus money until you have gamble up to a certain amount. It doesn’t do you any good if your bankroll doesn’t last that long. This is how online casinos trick you into coming back. If you gamble responsibly and have a stable bankroll, these wagering requirements should be a problem. Just be careful and gamble within your means.

Many online casinos put a 15-30 multiplier (x), or play through, on a bonus. So, if the casino is offering a $50 match bonus on a 15x play through, you must gamble at least $1,500 ($50 deposit + $50 bonus x 15 = $1,500) before you can withdraw any money. These wagering requirements came about because of bonus abusers who would leave the casino once they received their bonus money.

There are higher play through requirements on no-deposit bonuses, which don’t require a deposit for the bonus money. These no-deposit bonuses have as much as a 30x play though. So, for a $10 no-deposit bonus, you wouldn’t be able to withdraw until you wagered $300 (30 x $10 bonus =$300). Usually, these no-deposit bonuses aren’t eligible on progressive jackpot games but instead limited to certain table games.

It may sound ludicrous to refuse free money, but, as you can see, it may be worth it. Always read the terms and conditions of the bonus. After reading the fine print, if you don’t plan on gambling through to the wagering requirement, don’t accept the bonus.