Friday, July 16, 2010

Casino Winning Strategies

As we all know, online casinos can be fun to visit but they are not without their risks. If you choose a casino that is safe and fair, the only real risk you have is losing too much money. Casino games have odds that favor the house, so in the long run you should have a net loss of money rather than a gain, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep that loss to a minimum. Here are some casino winning strategies.

The most important thing I urge everyone to do before visiting a casino, whether it’s an online casino or a brick and mortar business, is to decide on your bankroll ahead of time. You know how much money you can afford to spend on a given night and people make those decisions before going to dinner, seeing a movie, visiting a theme park and virtually every other leisure activity. For some reason, though, a lot of people don’t do that with a visit to a casino. Perhaps it’s because there is a chance of winning money. In any case, you need to decide on a bankroll in advance.

My advice is to pick a dollar amount that you can afford to lose and set that aside. With an online casino, you simply deposit that amount. Whatever happens when playing at the casino, you should never add to that amount. That means if you are having great success, you should not wager your winnings. Conversely, if you lose the money quickly you should not try to win it back. Sticking to your betting limit no matter what happens allows you to protect your winnings from the house edge and avoid losing more money than you wanted. Also, while we're on the subject of wagering, stay away from betting systems. They don't work.

Another important winning strategy for online casinos is to familiarize yourself with the games. It makes no sense to try a game that you don’t know well and immediately bet money on it. That is especially true if it’s a game of skill, such as poker and blackjack. If you aren’t confident in your playing ability for a certain game, you should play the free version of it before betting any money. Most online casinos have free trials of all or most of their games, where you wager and win pretend money.

Another important thing to do is take advantage of the fact that you’re playing online. Playing at an online casino, it’s not cheating to have tips and strategy guides pulled up on the computer while you play. Especially if you’re newer to the game, it makes sense to consult strategy guides to make sure you are making the right decisions. If you’re competing against other players, such as in blackjack, you don’t want to take too long when looking at strategy. However, for games where you are only playing the computer, such as blackjack, you can take as much time as you need. Use that to your advantage.

Another winning strategy is to take advantage of tournaments. If they have a low entry fee, casino tournaments give you a chance to earn prizes without risking much of your own money. Casinos even sometimes offer free tournaments, where you don’t risk any money at all and can win prizes.

The other biggest advice I can give for playing at an online casino is to remember that everything is about weighing risk and reward. The most obvious example is your bet. A smaller bet won’t win you as much money if you win, but it won’t cost you as much if you lose. Betting big will feel good when you win, but it’s an easy way to lose money quickly. Your betting strategy should be in line with your bankroll and how long you want to play.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Online Casino Tournaments

Games at online casinos are played basically the same as at a brick and mortar casino. Sure, you don’t actually touch the cards, dice or slots yourself, but by pressing a few buttons you get the same effect. One thing that is different, though, is tournament gameplay.

When participating in an online casino tournament, you need to change your style of play to fit the tournament rules. Since each tournament is different, there is no concrete rule for tournament strategy, but there are some basic suggestions.

For one thing, online tournaments are often timed, so if you have a limited time to make your wagers, you want to make them as fast as you can. If it’s a slot tournament, that’s easy because there are no decisions to make. Simply press the spin button as many times as you can, because you don’t get to keep your unused credits. If it’s a blackjack tournament, then you can’t go as fast as in slots, but you still don’t want to deliberate as long on each decision if you are pressed for time.

There is another difference for blackjack tournaments. In traditional blackjack, you are competing against the dealer and none of the other players matter. That is not the case in a blackjack tournament. In most blackjack tournaments, each player accrues points for beating the dealer and the players with the most points in prizes. In that case, you want to play faster and more aggressive, because you need to earn more points than the other players if you want to win. You can also bet more aggressively in blackjack tournaments because you’re not wagering with your own money.

Roulette tournaments are often timed, so you want to bet faster and more aggressively. If it is a tournament where you are betting with house money, you should pick more lucrative bets rather than the safer bets.

Whether or not they are timed or free, what sets most online tournaments apart from the standard casino play is that you’re playing for prizes rather than money. Because you get points instead of money, you don’t want to conserve your winnings. Instead, it is wise to aggressively accumulate as many points as you can in an attempt to reach the top of the leader board, where you can win good prizes.